Sunday, October 26, 2014

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Minor setback

Darling Husband has a trip to the US today. I'm not a person who prays. I don't think there's a Higher Power you determines the outcome of sporting events based on the faith of believers. But there could be something to setting positive energy out into the universe. If you're so inclined, light a candle or think a thought in the next two weeks. Much will be determined by the work he will be involved in, and I'm just not ready for any big new adventures just yet. I'd like a bit more Same Old Same Old if that's all right.

The first result of this trip is that I'm pushing back my departure date to October 18. Originally I thought, "I'll just postpone it a week" to October 17, but I would leave in the morning and he's returning to Luxembourg that afternoon resulting in a minimum of six weeks without seeing each other. I'm a dingbat, and as we were discussing this (on a hike) yesterday, I lamented the long separation. The obvious answer was to wait one more day and leave October 18. Duh oh! I don't have any need to head off on any particular day. I threw a dart when I set the first date anyhow. Thankfully, there is strength and wisdom in numbers, and I eventually figured it out.

Both DH and The Offspring are being very supportive and charming about the whole project. In case I forget to say it later, I am grateful and humbled by their willingness to let me go off on this jaunt at increased inconvenience to them. I am so thankful, and I love them all very much.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone. Expect typos.
