Thursday, November 13, 2014

Day Four: Pamplona to Puente la Reina, What a Difference a Day Makes

I set off this morning earlier than usual, having had my leftover pizza for breakfast and leaving my backpack in the, as yet, unseen hands of the Jacotrans Dude. I still haven't seen him, but he did his magic, and my bag arrived intact!

I practically SKIPPED out of town. Yes, it was a Ramble-length day (23.36 km in 6 hours and 16 minutes), but with all of the features that makes a Ramble pleasant: a nice route, great views, a wonderful sandwich, and even a little chitchat with other pilgrims.

There is now developing a Cast of Characters, or at least familiar faces. Everyone seemed to appear at once at the summit of today's climb, the Alto de Perdón. There was much silliness and picture taking and general antics, which was fun.

The climb, which I had been dreading, was very easy. Lots of level moments, and not just slogging up like a Sherpa on Everest. Even the descent, which everyone warns you is treacherous, was not a white-knuckle ride like Zuberi was.

I don't know whether to credit Jacotrans or the sandwich I had around noon or what, but it all added up to a right pleasant day walking.

I went through my pack AGAIN looking for things to cull. Everyday I do it. But sometimes I think what I am throwing out can't weigh enough to make a difference. I've even started tearing the pages out of one of my guidebooks. This serves two purposes:

1. I can more easily have the map in a pocket and
2. Who needs a page after that stage is complete?

Tomorrow I walk to Estella. It's 22 km and after an early climb, mostly pretty level. My guide says that after a town called Cirauqui, I'll be walking on "a fine example of the original Roman road constructed 2000 years ago." So that will be cool.

As always, I can't tell you how much I get out of all your comments and support. But especially the big hugs I'm getting each day from my Home Team. I couldn't do this without you.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Puente la Reina, Spain

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