Friday, November 7, 2014

Am I Starting to Think This Is a Dumb Idea?

Yes. Yes, I am.

What if I don't like it? What if I don't like the other people? What if I don't run across any other people? What if I bring too much stuff? What if I don't bring the right stuff? What if it makes me sad I can't share a lovely view with my DH? What if I miss my darling daughters too much?

As my youngest so sagely put it, "Then just come home!"

Sunday morning is coming so quickly.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad



  1. I'm so looking forward to hearing how 'you' do the Camino! I so understand all your thoughts, I'm already thinking some of those thoughts, and I'm not even definitely going until 2016! But I feel so drawn to it. They talk about how the Camino can change you; my biggest fear is that I'll be changed so much that I'll have difficulty settling back into the life I have here.
    Wise words from your daughter! Exactly! If it's not what you expected or not how you want it to be, just go home.
    I would love to know what you're taking with you if you have time for that before you go, if not, when you get home. :)
    Buen Camino!

  2. I'm sure it will be great. Try not to worry too much. You are totally ready. :)

  3. How remarkable to journey this way--knowing for certain only the beginning and end and allowing the mystery of the middle part spontaneously unfold. I look forward to reading about all your discoveries along the way! And I agree w/Skittles, you can always go home. How does the saying go about all great journeys begin one foot at a time? Bon Voyage!!
